September Reading

September Reading

Chaos is reigning in my home right now, so most of decks have been packed away for safety, so I will be using my trusted Gilded Tarot deck by Ciro Marchetti. Much of the imagery of this deck is based on the Rider-Waite deck, but more colourful, and I like lots of colour. One thing I noticed in this reading, is the Swords are prevalent. Right now the Swords are indicating we are searching for solutions, coping mechanisms and ways of doing things that make for change.

Aries – Page of Wands – Right now you are up for anything, and will give everything a go, at least once. You are being guided to new opportunities, but your need to be in control or have everything worked out is niggling at you, but the energy you are feeling is restless and needs to just be embraced and enjoyed.

Taurus – Strength – Determination, Strength and Power is what this card is all about, and right now we are talking about your own personal power and your ability to overcome the obstacles that are keeping you tied down. You want to be free, but there are things you need to clear away before you can really stand by your own power and strength.

Gemini – Five of Swords – In the last few weeks you have been moving from one conflict to another, and this has left you feeling sad, lost and a relentless feeling of bitterness. The battles you have been choosing may not have gone your way and it has cost you. You need to be mindful of the battles you pick, and why you are choosing that path.

Cancer – Three of Wands – You have been on an expansive journey over the last few months, and while you want to get all the plans perfected, it is too late for that now as everything is underway, but you may want to look at how you can make the most of your potential right now, because while you are broadening your horizons, you still aren’t reaching your true potential.

Leo – The World – You have been hitting all your goals this month, and things are feeling good. Over the next few weeks, reflect on what has happened, and reflect on what you have achieved. This isn’t the end of your journey, but you are at a place where you can take some breaths and bask in your joy before moving on to your next journey.

Virgo – Knight of Swords – You have been on a mission, and once you det your mind to something there is no stopping you, and while people may not realise you have the skill and smarts to reach your goals. Being ambitious and driven is awesome, but you need to also be humble and show thanks for the journey you have been on. You don’t need a plan, you tend to just make it up as you go, but don’t move too quickly over the next few weeks.

Libra – The Lovers (Reversed) – Over the last week you have been feeling out of balance, and this is causing tension with those around you. They want you to break out of your shell and shine, but the love and respect for you has been battered over the last few years. You have been squashed down, and made to feel small, but over the next few months, take some time to dedicate to self-love and find who you are.

Scorpio – Seven of Swords – Over the last few weeks you have been trying to reach your goals but doing as little as possible to achieve them, but this is a betrayal of yourself, your skills and those who are supporting you. Sit down and make a strategy and do one thing at a time. Prioritize what you need to do immediately, and what can wait a while. Taking off more than you can chew is why you have been cutting as many corners as you can.

Sagittarius – Three of Swords (Reversed) – Right now you need to pay closer attention to the conversations you have with yourself and your thoughts. There has been a lot of negative self-talk and putting yourself down. Why do you feel this way? Reflecting on why can be enlightening and once you know where those things began, you can do the shadow work needed to put those weights down and free yourself from their burden.

Capricorn – Nine of Wands – Over the last few months you have been facing adversity in all its forms, or that is how it has been feeling. Things may not have gone how you thought they would, but you are standing strong and working your way through day by day. The finish line is close, so stay true to yourself and persist when you begin to waver. Your resilience is something to be proud of.

Aquarius – Ace of Pentacles (Reversed) – You are feeling very hesitant about moving forwards because you don’t believe you have the security or confidence in your own abilities to do a good job. The doubt is eating you up, and this is something you need to work through before you move forward. Something that is coming through loudly is “Don’t count your chickens” which I think means you need to be patient and don’t use what you don’t have.

Pisces – The Sun – You find strength in the Sun’s warmth, and it is this same warmth that draws people towards you. You have a special skill for seeing the good in people and helping them to see that good in themselves. Right now, you are moving away from the ego-driven energies that have been hiding, towards a radiant inner energy. You have been bursting with enthusiasm over new opportunities and projects, so use this radiance to really shine.

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