Isn’t she beautiful!
We’ve overcome a whole lot of obstacles with this issue and in our personal lives, and it’s a little late, but it’s here!
We are so very proud of the team and all of the effort that was put into making this issue happen. We literally could not do it without everyone on the team working together to get it done.
A special shout out to a couple of them because they truly went above and beyond as volunteer members of the team until we get rolling and can pay them consistently. They picked up a lot of slack without question or complaint to ensure this issue happened. They both have our eternal gratitude and deserve some love from our readers too.
Our writer Nixie Vale, aka Our Rainbow Witch for going well above and beyond to make sure we had enough articles to fill the space, checking in on me when I wasn’t well and offering to help with anything we needed, and promoting the hell out of the paper to her followers and friends!
Secondly, to Sabrina RG Raven because she’s the most amazing digital artist that makes every issue absolutely amazing and beautiful, but also because she is an absolute bad ass!!! Not only did she push through her usual “Hell Month”, she worked her full time job, prepped 400 jars of tea, ordered books, and more for the Supanova Comic Con in Brisbane, she helped with publishing assistance for our side biz so an author got closer to publishing with their sanity intact, she still managed to knock the formatting, graphics, and editing for the Samhain Issue and Full Moon mag out of the park, again!
We love and appreciate you two more than you will ever know. <3 <3 <3
We are sorry to have to report that we are not going to be printing copies for a while. With costs soaring, we need time to grow the value and build it into something that more people want to hold in their hands. We just aren’t there again, yet. We are hoping that by Imbolc, we will be, but we really can’t make any promises at this point.
We have a lot of factors to consider with printing copies, and while cost is a major one, it isn’t the only one. Environmental impacts, political factors, and much more have to be considered, also. Digital copies ensure that we can still produce issues and bring readers information, while we take time to consider and modify the impact our business has on the well-being of nature, our staff, and the community.
Digital copies don’t consume trees and litter the environment once they have been read and discarded. Digital copies allow us to expand the number of pages of the paper without adding costs. We can feature and highlight more people doing good in the global community, bring more businesses and services to light, and more.
Digital copies are easier to transport, can’t fly away in the wind, and don’t end up in landfills that pollute nature. Digital copies make links right to interesting content and more information immediately available. Digital copies are not limited to the number of copies we can afford to print. Grab yours today!
You can subscribe and get all 8 digital issues over the next year, plus get free access to exclusive subscriber content that isn’t available anywhere else for a full 12 months, right here.
Paid Subscribers can get their exclusive bonus content and download the digital copy for free right here!
Happy Samhain from all of us at Metaphysical Times LLC!!!