Entrepreneurship is hard. Supporting an entrepreneur is equally hard. You can only buy so many copies of their book, attend so many webinars, and accept so much coaching. You know they need more than their loved ones doing this if they are going to succeed. You do what you can, but they really need more than you are able to give them, but you want them to know that you do support them. What if there was a simple way to give the gift of support they really need to your entrepreneur?
Sometimes, all that is really needed some money to pay for advertising and promotion to really get the word out that a business with a great product and/or service exists.
Social media platforms that host bidding wars on placement of ads bumps the cost, and the only way to get seen is to put increasing amounts of money towards all of them. It’s frustrating and disheartening for entrepreneurs, and not really something someone else can “pay for” for them. There are alternatives out there, though. Like us.
We know the struggle is real. We built our our advertising spaces to be affordable, cost the same every month for easy budgeting, and provide reports on what we can so advertisers can see how their ad is performing, but know that most times, especially for new and just getting started businesses, advertising costs can easily exceed an already tight, bootstrapping budget. They would literally give their right arm and a foot for just a little bit of paid advertising to not have to come out of that budget!
We have offered an alternative to advertising on social media platforms for a while, and now, we offer a way for friends, family, and others to support entrepreneurs they know personally with our spaces. We now offer a gift card that can be used to rent advertising space on our platforms. We have advertising space available across multiple platforms, are on an upward trajectory with new readers being added every month, and are working to create new platforms in the coming months and years.
There is no better way to show your entrepreneur that they have your support in all that they are doing, than pre-paying for some advertising for them! Believe us, we wish it was an option for us too!
The gift card balance is applied at check out so discount codes can be applied for additional savings (paid subscribers check your November newsletter for the current one from us!). There are no black outs on any products in our Newsstand, so the gift card can be used toward any purchase, including advertising! Give a very unique gift and show your entrepreneur you support them today!